
Stay safe this flu season

These tips will help you protect yourself and your family.


It's flu season, the time of year when influenza (flu) viruses spread easily between people. The flu can cause mild to severe illness. Signs and symptoms include but aren't limited to fever, cough, body aches and feeling tired.


Getting a flu shot every year is a safe, effective way to protect yourself and others against the flu. Plus, it's the best way to lower your chances of getting a severe case of the flu.

Respiratory viruses like RSV are also on the rise right now. This, coupled with the flu, can overwhelm hospitals and make it hard to get care. Getting the flu shot can help lower the chances of this happening while giving you the best protection from the flu.


Who is at high risk? 

People with greater chances of having complications from the flu include:

  • Individuals ages 65 and older
  • Those who are pregnant
  • Those with chronic (long-term) health conditions 

Children less than 6 months old are also at higher risk, but they're too young to get a flu shot. The people who care for them should be vaccinated instead.


How can I protect myself and my family?

The best way to lower your chances of getting the flu is to get a flu shot. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone 6 months and older get an age-appropriate flu shot:

What else can I do?

In addition to getting a flu shot, these tips can help lower your chances of catching or spreading the flu:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water aren't available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Don't touch your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow or cover your nose and mouth with a tissue.
  • Try to stay away from others If you're sick.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces that may be infected.

Are treatments available if I get the flu?

If you think you have the flu, call your doctor. They can do tests to see if you have the flu. If needed, they'll prescribe a flu antiviral drug. This can make the flu milder and shorten the time you're sick. It can also keep you from getting serious complications.

Take charge of your health

Book your flu shot today.

If you're feeling sick, call us first.